API ReferenceUser docs
These docs are for v1.6. Click to read the latest docs for v1.7.

Kiln Connect API - version 1.7

🚀 This release introduces a wide range of new API endpoints for BBN, CRO, OM, TRX and TON, providing comprehensive access to stakes, rewards, operations, and network stats. Additionally, it includes enhancements to EigenLayer and DeFi reporting.

Full reference available here: https://docs.api.kiln.fi/reference


🆕 Babylon (BBN)

/bbn/stakes - Retrieve staking details for the Babylon protocol.
/bbn/transaction/broadcast - Broadcast a signed transaction to the Babylon network.
/bbn/transaction/stake - Craft a staking transaction to stake your Bitcoin.

🆕 Cronos (CRO)

/cro/balance - Retrieve the balance for a Cronos account.
/cro/network-stats - Get network statistics for Cronos.
/cro/operations - Fetch historical operations on Cronos.
/cro/reports - Generate reports for Cronos staking activities.
/cro/rewards - Retrieve staking rewards for Cronos.
/cro/stakes - Get details about stakes on Cronos.
/cro/transaction/broadcast - Broadcast a signed transaction on Cronos.
/cro/transaction/decode - Decode a Cronos transaction.
/cro/transaction/prepare - Prepare a transaction for broadcasting.
/cro/transaction/redelegate - Redelegate staked assets to another validator.
/cro/transaction/restake-rewards - Restake rewards earned from staking.
/cro/transaction/send - Send assets to another address on Cronos.
/cro/transaction/stake - Stake CRO tokens.
/cro/transaction/status - Get the status of a transaction.
/cro/transaction/unstake - Unstake CRO tokens.
/cro/transaction/withdraw-rewards - Withdraw staking rewards.

🆕 Mantra (OM)

/om/balance - Retrieve the balance of an OM account.
/om/network-stats - Fetch network statistics for OM staking.
/om/operations - Get operations related to OM staking.
/om/reports - Generate staking reports for OM.
/om/rewards - Retrieve staking rewards for OM.
/om/stakes - Get details about OM stakes.
/om/transaction/broadcast - Broadcast a signed transaction on OM.
/om/transaction/decode - Decode an OM transaction.
/om/transaction/prepare - Prepare a transaction for broadcasting.
/om/transaction/redelegate - Redelegate OM stakes to another validator.
/om/transaction/restake-rewards - Restake staking rewards.
/om/transaction/send - Send OM assets.
/om/transaction/stake - Stake OM tokens.
/om/transaction/status - Get the status of a transaction.
/om/transaction/unstake - Unstake OM tokens.
/om/transaction/withdraw-rewards - Withdraw staking rewards.

🆕 Tron (TRX)

/trx/network-stats - Retrieve Tron network statistics.
/trx/stakes - Get details about TRX staking.
/trx/transaction/broadcast - Broadcast a signed Tron transaction.
/trx/transaction/cancel-unstake - Cancel an unstaking transaction.
/trx/transaction/prepare - Prepare a transaction for broadcasting.
/trx/transaction/stake - Stake TRX tokens.
/trx/transaction/unstake - Unstake TRX tokens.
/trx/transaction/vote - Vote in the Tron governance system.
/trx/transaction/withdraw-rewards - Withdraw staking rewards.
/trx/transaction/withdraw-unstaked - Withdraw unstaked TRX tokens.

🆕 The Open Network (TON)

/ton/balance - Retrieve the balance of a TON account.
/ton/network-stats - Fetch network statistics for TON.
/ton/reports - Generate staking reports for TON.
/ton/rewards - Retrieve staking rewards for TON.
/ton/stakes - Get details about TON stakes.
/ton/transaction/broadcast - Broadcast a signed transaction on TON.
/ton/transaction/prepare - Prepare a transaction for broadcasting.
/ton/transaction/stake-single-nomination-pool - Stake TON in a single nomination pool.
/ton/transaction/stake-ton-whales-pool - Stake TON in the TON Whales pool.
/ton/transaction/status - Get the status of a transaction.
/ton/transaction/unstake-single-nomination-pool - Unstake from a single nomination pool.
/ton/transaction/unstake-ton-whales-pool - Unstake from the TON Whales pool.
/ton/transaction/whitelist-vesting-contract - Whitelist a vesting contract for staking.
/ton/wallet-info - Retrieve information about a TON wallet.
/ton/withdraw-request - Submit a withdrawal request for unstaked TON.

🆕 Kiln

/validators - Get details about Kiln validators.

🔄 Ethereum (EigenLayer)

/eth/eigenlayer/avs-rewards - Get claimable AVS rewards for EigenLayer.
/eth/eigenlayer/eigenpod - Retrieve the EigenPod address for a wallet.
/eth/eigenlayer/liquid/deposits - Get deposits of liquid staking tokens on EigenLayer.
/eth/eigenlayer/liquid/points - Fetch restaked points of liquid staking tokens.
/eth/eigenlayer/liquid/withdrawals - Get withdrawal details for liquid staking tokens.
/eth/eigenlayer/native/points - Retrieve native restaked points for an EigenPod.
/eth/eigenlayer/native/undelegations - Get undelegation details for EigenPods.
/eth/eigenlayer/operator - Retrieve information about an EigenLayer operator.
/eth/eigenlayer/summary - Get a summary of EigenLayer activity for a wallet.
/eth/eigenlayer/transaction/claim-rewards - Craft a transaction to claim AVS rewards.
/eth/eigenlayer/transaction/verify-checkpoint-proofs - Generate a transaction to verify checkpoint proofs.
/eth/eigenlayer/transaction/verify-withdrawal-credentials - Craft a transaction to verify withdrawal credentials for restaking.

🔄 Defi (Morpho Rewards)

/defi/extra-rewards/morpho - Retrieve Morpho extra rewards.
/defi/transaction/claim/extra-rewards/morpho - Craft a transaction to claim Morpho rewards.