API ReferenceUser docs

API Versioning & Upgrades

Keep track of changes and upgrades to the Kiln Connect API.

Kiln Connect API versioning & upgrade process

Versions of the Kiln API use MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH where:

  • MAJOR version is increased when there is major incompatible API changes, major versions will be communicated in advance to all customers with a smooth transition path that spans over a minimum period of 3 MINOR versions or ~3 months. Intended frequency: 1 year.
  • MINOR version is increased for backward compatible API changes without notice, or communicated breaking changes with a 1 minor version notice and a smooth migration path. Minor versions will be communicated regularly to customers with the changelog. Intended frequency: 1 month.
  • PATCH version is increased for backward compatible hot-fixes, patch versions will be communicated to affected customers.

Due to the nature of blockchains (protocol disappearing, breaking protocol upgrades), Kiln may introduce backward-incompatible changes in MINOR versions after following a 1 MINOR version deprecation path (~1 month). These impacting changes will be narrowed as much as possible to the protocol, heavily communicated with clear guidelines and support. Customer not relying on affected protocols will not be affected.

Backwards-compatible changes

Kiln considers the following changes to be backwards-compatible:

  • Adding new API routes.
  • Adding new optional request parameters to existing API methods.
  • Adding new properties to existing API responses.
  • Changing the order of properties in existing API responses.
  • Adding new event types in existing enums.

Non-breaking changes may be introduced in our API and subject to modification before being officialy communicated and documented here. Your application should not depend on them until part of this specification.

Deprecation Policy

Endpoints marked as deprecated will continue to function as expected; however, they are scheduled for eventual retirement. Before fully removing a deprecated endpoint, we will provide an advance notice through our changelog, outlining the deprecation timeline. We recommend transitioning to the latest alternatives to ensure compatibility with future versions. If you have any questions regarding the usage of deprecated endpoints, please reach out to our support team for guidance.

Prepare for future upgrades

You can always find what will come using the version selector on the top left of this documentation, then select the one in beta also referred as preview. You will be able to see future endpoints directly on the available API Reference.


You can find our testnet API documentation under the version named v0-api-testnet , specification available here.

Stay informed

We send information on new additions and changes to Kiln Connect API every month on Slack and via Email in Kiln Product Suite Updates. You can also track the latest changes in the Changelog section.

API Versions

Listed below are all the breaking changes to the Kiln Connect API. If you’re looking for all API additions and updates, see the API changelog.

  • No breaking changes to date.


You can find the open api specification file for the Kiln Connect API here.