API ReferenceUser docs

Polkadot reporting methodology


  • All network: All stakes (Kiln and non Kiln)
  • All time: Since inception of the chain, however first rewards data started on block 331072


Our API supports both of Polkadot's nominating mechanisms: direct nomination, and indirect nomination by joining a pool.

  • Direct nominators

These are accounts that directly nominating specific validators.
For their rewards, we are tracking the Staking (Rewarded) event and can be directly verified on an explorer.

  • Pool Members

These nominators participate through staking pools and indirectly nominate validators by joining a pool. A pool can receives rewards from multiple validators and then distribute them to pool members when they wish.
Hence pool act like a mixer and it's hard to tie a particular pool member reward to a specific validator.
We are tracking the NominationPools(PaidOut) event and be directly verified on an explorer.

Both can be queried using the addresses query param.

Kiln setup

We have implemented a custom configuration where Kiln validators' commission is set to 100%. This design enables us to optimize the reward distribution for our customers. Rather than receiving rewards directly via on-chain transactions, customers who nominate Kiln validators will have their rewards managed off-chain. These rewards will be distributed separately according to the terms outlined in a contractual agreement with Kiln.
The Kiln pool exclusively nominates Kiln validators, meaning that pool members are subject to the same rules as direct nominators.

⚠️ Since Kiln's validators retain the entire reward, we are unable to track events related to reward distribution directly on-chain as they are not emitted. Instead, we calculate rewards separately based on the stake ratio of our customers.


In the /rewardsroute, there are 2 fields reporting rewards amount:

  • net_rewards
    Amount of rewards received on chain, this corresponds to a Staking (Rewarded) or NominationPools(PaidOut)` event. It's the reward generated by the validator minus validator fees (and pool fees for pool members). It is verifiable on chain.
  • gross_rewards: Only available for Kiln validator's nominators.
    Only available for Kiln validator's nominators. This field represents the total rewards earned by the nominator, calculated based on their stake ratio in the validator(s) they nominated, before the deduction of validator fees. It applies only to direct or indirect nominators of Kiln validators. Because Kiln validators have a 100% commission setup on-chain, no reward events are recorded, resulting in the net_rewards field being set to 0.
    For other nominators, this field is set to 0.
    ⚠️ Note: This field does not account for the Kiln commission specified in the contractual agreement.